Leg injuries

is it safe to run with a hangover
Leg injuries

Injured Runner 101- exercising with shin Splints today

exercising with Shin Splints shin splints are a condition that result in pain along the boarder of the tibia(shinbone). Shin Splints can be taken care of with a little TLC and you can get back to exercising with shin splints. The pain is a result of the muscles pulling on the lining of your shinbone. […]

Recovery, Leg injuries

Can I run with sciatica?

The short answer to this is we wouldn’t advise so. Why? Well, running doesn’t cause sciatica but it does inflame it. Running is a high impact activity and when you run and hit the ground, it puts extra stress on the sciatic nerve. But please don’t despair. Most cases of sciatica do improve, and overall

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