What is the walk-run training method?
The run walk method running technique is a combination of paced walking interspersed with light jogging. The amount you spend walking vs running can and does vary! As you get fitter or build endurance, you might spend more time jogging, but the technique is excellent for all levels at managing fatigue and reducing your chance of injury or exhaustion.
How fast should I be running in walk run training?
This is a good question, and really the answer is – it’s up to you. However, as the run-walk run method is a technique designed to build up your endurance we suggest you keep it to whatever is a slow jog for you – the kind of pace where you can comfortably have a chat with a friend running by your side. If you run with a fitness watch or heartrate monitor then we suggest zone 2 or 3. By running at conversational pace you are keeping your heartrate nice and steady – which makes sure you’re building cardio fitness.
When did the walk run method begin?
It was pioneered by a famous Olympic runner and trainer Jeff Galloway, and is sometimes known as the galloway run walk run method. Jeff Galloway was training beginner runners for 5k and 10k runs, and after one lap around the track with his trainees, realised that recovery breaks were going to be needed to get people through the runs. And thus the run walk method was born. Some people ask what is a run/walk called? And amusingly as a result of it’s founder it’s often called jeffing! You can find out about Jeff and Jeffing in his famous book on the topic.
What is the science behind walk run method?
The theory is that Run Walk method is a form of interval training. It is about the conservation of your energy and encourages a quicker recovery. It puts less stress on the “weak links”, means you can enjoy running and reduces your core body temperature when running.

Using run walk method training as a beginner.
Walk run training is a fantastic start place for beginners. It allows you to gradually build up your running fitness in a slow and steady way, at a level that suits your ability and fitness. Because you are keeping your heartrate low and not expending too much energy, you can cover further distance too. That’s why run walk method for beginners is a great starting point.
Run walk is a really good aerobic workout that will build your capacity for running, so why not try the run-walk method for beginners, and see your fitness grow!
Using walk run method to return from injury.
This approach can put less strain on muscles and your cardiovascular system, so it can be a good option if you’re coming back after an injury. A run walk training method will get you back on your legs and covering distance, whilst allowing your body to heal. Just – as ever – make sure you listen to your body and treat any pain seriously.
Using run walk method to train for races.
The run walk method technique is a useful one if you are on a training plan and finding it difficult to manage the longer distances. Run walk often allows you to cover greater distances, so is a tool to have in your training kit. But keep in mind that if you use this for the majority of the training, you will need to also use it on race day itself. But some people use this method to complete half marathon or marathon distances.
Is the walk run method cheating?
Absolutely not. There is no right way to be a runner. If your goal is to move your legs and cover distance, it doesn’t matter how fast or slow you are moving. The run walk method is a fantastic tool to add to your running toolbox.
Is jeffing cheating?
Is jeffing cheating – we say no! Jeffing is a recognised training technique of adding walking breaks to runs.
Jeffing was developed because running coach Jeff Galloway found that for some runners, adding walking breaks postively improved their performance and race times. But despite this research some runners still see walking as a negative – and see jeffing as cheating. But they are very wrong! Jeffing or walking isn’t cheating.
We would ask – cheating at what? Cheating who? Running or jogging is about moving forwards and covering distance. If you walk a distance and run a distance – are you accomplishing this? Yes! Are you raising your heartrate and improving your cardio vascular health and fitness? Yes!
So jeffing isn’t cheating. In fact jeffing is great for reducing the amount of stress and impact on your bones and muscles. Jeffing is a really valid tactic for any runner – whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced runner looking to increase your distance or endurance.
Many people run for the health and enjoyment benefits and walk – run jeffing is the perfect thing to try if that is you.
Does the run walk method work?
Absolutely the run walk method walks to cover mileage, build distance and build fitness! And there is evidence that by taking short walk breaks on a long run you will actually improve your overall time – so it’s a great technique whatever your ultimate goal.
How do you jeff or try the run walk method?
There is no set prescription for how much you walk or run. We advise you consider using ‘time’ as your measurement – eg don’t think I’ll run 500m and walk 500m. Instead commit to minutes of each.
As an example you could try a 2 minute brisk walk, a 2 minute easy run, a 1 minute steady walk, a 3 minute run, and repeat – going back to a 2 minute brisk walk.
Alternatively you could try a pattern of run 2 minutes, walk 30 seconds. Or run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute.
Try out a few options to find one that allows you a good time running with a good period of recovery – allowing your heartrate to drop back down before you run again.