Training tips

lower back pain from running
Training tips

Roman Chair training – The Injured Runner

Repeatedly raise your trunk to slightly above horizontal, then return to a hanging position. Try to keep your abdominal muscles drawn in slightly while elevating to keep your back relatively straight. Repeat ten to thirty times. To make this exercise more challenging hold the horizontal position for five seconds or try it with only one

running form tips
Training tips, Running form

4 top running form tips to get you on track today

Running form tips introduction Runners come in many shapes, sizes and styles. One running form does not fit all people nor does it guarantee superior performance or freedom from injury. However, knowing some basic running form tips can help you get the most out of your running experience and can help understand how to improve

aqua jogging
Training tips, Cross training

Swimming Cross Training – The Injured Runner

If you are an experienced swimmer and have access to a pool then swimming is a great alternative to running. You’ll get a whole body workout and easily elevate your heart rate with minimal stress on the legs. Some less experienced swimmers get frustrated with stroke or breathing technique and may prefer deep water running

meniscus injuries
Running form, Training tips

Running Techniques

Good running techniques A good running form and better running techniques can be learned and will make you economical and smooth in your stride and breathing. Crucially it also helps prevent running injuries. You can improve your running techniques by following a few tips, going from head down to your toes and paying attention to

Training tips

what to eat for runners

Eating before you run can prevent low blood sugar.  Things you might want to eat during running are sports gels and bars, and sports drinks or water. Runners should eat more high-carbohydrate foods to keep their muscles fueled and avoid sugary foods, such as candy and soda, within an hour before hard exercise. 

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